Anarcho-Captialism for your ears

138 total unlocked episodes. 131 episodes in German & 7 in English.

Value-for-value Economoy

Independent & uncensorable through Monero-tarisation. New episodes are unlocked by the community and thereafter available in the RSS-Feed.

Season 2 in Cyberspace

In the new season we dive deeper into technology, open source software, Cypherpunks & Lunarpunks

Gelesene Bücher →

  • series cover

    Tugend des Egoismus

    Ein bisschen Tugend muss sein

  • series cover

    Das Scheingeldsystem

    Was ist Geld? Alle wichtigen Antworten hier.

  • series cover

    Die Ethik der Freiheit

    Deep dive in die theoretische Welt von Ankapistan
