series cover

Cypherpunks write code

Cypherpunks write code. In this series we explore the cypherpunk ethos and delve deeper into freedom preserving technologies, like Monero and Linux.

11 Episoden

Bitcoin & Monero w/ DerBlocktrainer


Roman Reher ist der bekannteste deutsche Bitcoin Educator. Wir sprechen zum Thema Bitcoin, Privacy, Monero, ASIC-resistance und vielem mehr.

Property rights, ideas & fungibility w/ Stephan Kinsella


Stephan Kinsella is a pioneer on the topic of intellectual property (IP). His arguments against IP also carry over to the cyberspace. Can you even "own" Bitcoin? After all, it is just a number on an elliptic curve...

Bitcoin vs. Monero w/ DerRosarotePanzer


"Bitcoin Numba 1 - there is no second best", ist vielleicht ein Satz den der ein oder andere BTC-NPC manchmal von sich gibt. Doch es gibt ein weiteres Krypto-Projekt, welches in die Fussstapfen der Cypherpunks tritt: Monero. Der rosarote Panzer und ich diskutieren Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen Bitcoin und Monero.

Cypherpunk, Lunarpunk & the dark forest w/ Juraj Bednar


Juraj Bednar is a cypherpunk, author and co-founder of the Institute of Cryptoanarchy. We discuss his hero's journey, the cypherpunk ethos, the lunarpunk movement and crypto anarchy as a strategy for personal freedom.

Lunarpunk w/ Rachel Rose O'Leary


Rachel Rose O'Leary is a contributor at and a visionary in the crypto-space. This episode centers around the dualism of Solar & Lunarpunk and what these terms mean. We also touch on various other technologies that can be useful in the toolbelt of a lunarpunk.

Wild Life - The Unschooling Podcast - Guest appearance


AlexAnarcho as a guest on Wild Life - The Unschooling Podcast with AlexKo. Visit to listen to the podcast and follow AlexKo

The Movement to Delist Privacy


Following the announcement of Binance to delist Monero, the price crashed by 40%, yet the Monero community rejoiced. Why? What does this delisting mean for Monero? What does this delisting mean for you?

Lunarpunk and the dark side of the cycle


"Lunarpunks prepare for war and build privacy-enhanced tooling to protect their communities." We dive deep into the dualism of Solarpunk and Lunarpunk and explore both concepts with the help of an awesome video!

Switch to English


Starting with this episode the AlexAnarcho Podcast will be in English. Why? This episode sheds light on the decision and gives a short introduction to an English-speaking audience.

Cypherpunks write code


Cypherpunks write code. Mit diesem Mantra veränderten die Cypherpunks die Welt. Durch asymmetrische Krypotographie beflügelt, schufen die Cypherpunks viel Technologie: Privatssphäre, sichere Kommunikation im Internet und nicht zuletzt Bitcoin. In dieser Folge lernen wir mehr über die Philosophie dieser Bewegung.

Kick Off Season 2


Episode zum Testen des Funding Mechanismus und was die Zukunft des Podcasts angeht - SEASON 2 BABY!